The Anambra State Government has banned the use of commercial motorcycles across the state after 7 pm daily.
A statement was released by Ogbuefi Tony Nnachetta, the Commissioner for Information and Communication Strategy, who said the ban was in line with the state Government’s desire to maintain and improve on the current security situation in the state.
According to him, Anambra remains a peaceful and secure state.’
Anambra is not the first state to restrict the movement of commercial motorcycles, however. Enugu state completely banned the use of commercial motorcycles in its capital, as well as Owerri, Umuahia, Uyo etc. to curb the use of motorcycles for robbery. It seems the accepted means of transportation for short distances is the rickshaw tagged ‘Keke Napep’ in the streets.
While there is always a debate whether the ban across these states is a political issue or a security issue, it seems the safer option is the rickshaws as they are less prone to accidents.
The people of Anambra are advised to readjust and plan late movements accordingly.
Adapted from The Nigerian Voice
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This article was first published on 5th March 2018
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Whether smoked, eaten in food (edibles), or vaped, marijuana is stronger than ever before, which makes use during pregnancy especially risky for a developing baby’s health. Marijuana contains nearly 500 chemicals, including the mind-altering compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These chemicals can pass through a woman’s placenta to her baby during pregnancy. Several states have legalized weed for medical use. It’s often referred to as medical marijuana. Expectant moms or women wishing to become pregnant may wish to use weed for medical purposes, like relieving nausea. This week, however, the American Medical Association agreed to push for regulations that require medical and recreational cannabis products to include the message “Warning: Marijuana use during pregnancy and breastfeeding poses potential harms.” This is less severe than the warnings on tobacco or alcohol products, but the move is still disconcerting to some who think the message is premature. Also qualifying is a chronic terminal or debilitating disease or medical condition or its treatment that produces one or more of the following: 4. Require at least two persons to be in a vehicle transporting low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis, and require at least one person to remain in the vehicle while the low-THC cannabis or medical cannabis is being delivered. For more information, speak to your pharmacist or health care provider, or visit Health Canada’s Medicinal Use Marijuana page. Before you apply, visit a medical professional to be certified for medical cannabis use. Recreational shops can sell cannabis to anyone who is over the age of 21. While this makes sense for the general public, minors who depend on medical marijuana would be barred without medical programs in place. Some medical cards allow those who are age 20 and under to legally access the cannabis medicine they need to treat cancer, epilepsy, or other ailments. Drawing a distinction between medical and recreational cannabis also reduces the stigmatization of pediatric patients.
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