- Get durable outfits for the rains This should probably be what comes first to your mind. From the varieties you can find in stores, make sure to invest in a durable umbrella, raincoat, a pair of rain boots and pairs of waterproof shoes. Most people hardly want to put on raincoats or rain boots because they are cumbersome to carry about. However, there are easily foldable raincoats which can fit into a lady’s tote bag and waterproof shoes can substitute for rain boots
- Check your windscreen wipers and car batteries. Ensure your windscreen wipers are in good condition; they may have been weakened by the heat and dust of the harmattan. Also, do a check on your batteries, making sure they are fit to survive puddles in bad roads. Risking a weak battery can cost you more if your car goes off.
- Mount mosquito nets Rains provide water which forms breeding grounds for mosquitoes, especially the female Anopheles responsible for malaria. As a double check to preventing water from logging in outdoor containers (please note that mosquitoes breed in ‘clean water’), mount mosquito nets at your windows and around sleeping areas.
- Take Vitamin Cs Take foods and supplement rich in vitamin C. This vitamin will boost your immune system and increase your body’s ability to ward off cold, fever and flu that are characteristic health issues that come with the rainy season.
- Inspect your roof Make sure to check for cracks, loose areas, holes and rusty spots on your roofs. Through them, rain water can leak through to weaken walls and ceilings or cause embarrassments when they fall into your home. Fix or replace them if you have to.
- Unclog your gutters Before the rain season starts with full force, inspect your gutters to make sure that they drain properly and that they do not cause water to log up. For the sake of you and the community, ensure to create a proper drainage system for your house. Flooding is associated with the rainy season and this is usually created by the lack of a proper drainage system.
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