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Life has been likened to so many things with different people describing it in different ways. In the context of this article, life is a GAME. Definitions Note: The definitions of ‘game’ and ‘game plan’ as used in this article are contextual. A Game is a structured activity usually undertaken for fulfillment. Fulfillment here means to meet a requirement, condition, or need. A Game plan is a strategy worked out in advance to meet a requirement, condition or need. Take a moment to list out and reflect on your needs
  1. What do you want to be known for?
  2. Are there certification examinations you need to sit for?
  3. What would be your financial worth at the end of the year?
  Having identified your needs, here are 5 elements that will help you meet your need(s): 1. RESILIENCE ‘Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up’ – Thomas A. Edison ‘Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and he gets discouraged. That’s not the place to become discouraged.’ – Thomas A. Edison Resilience generally means the ability to recover from shock or disturbance. Are you familiar with the story of the light bulb? It took Thomas Edison 9,999 attempts to make the light bulb work. He learnt 9,999 ways of how not to make a bulb. He did not take the failed attempts to be failure – this mindset was instrumental to his success. Little wonder, failure is defined as that moment when you stop trying. How do you react when faced with challenges in the pursuit of your dreams? Many people have fallen by the way side because they collapsed at the sight of a little setback. Challenges are one of the indicators of progress. The more challenges you overcome, the closer you are to achieving your goal. Dear friend, challenges are not meant to break you, they are meant to make you.   2. OPTIMISM Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. – Helen Keller All teams in a football match approach a game with the intention to win – the first sign of defeat is self-doubt. In your outlook to life, it is very important you believe in yourself and your ability to succeed at what you do.   3. SELF DISCIPLINE Self-discipline has been described as a ‘substitute for motivation; when one uses reason to determine the best course of action that opposes one’s desires.’ A self-disciplined person controls himself or herself because he or she knows that only by doing this is he committed to achieving his vision. Here is how author John Maxwell explained discipline in one of his leadership seminars: Discipline is the choice of achieving what you really want by doing things you don’t really want to do.  After successfully doing this for some time, discipline becomes the choice of achieving what you really want by doing things you now want to do! One of the ways to build your self-discipline is to become character-driven instead of emotion-driven. This is the difference:  
 Character-Driven People  Emotion-Driven People
Do right, then feel good Feel good, then do right
Are commitment driven Are convenience driven
Make principle based decisions Make popular based decisions
Action controls attitude Attitude controls action
Believe it, then see it See it, then believe it
Create Momentum Wait for momentum
Ask: “What are my Responsibilities?” Ask: “What are my rights?”
Continue when problems arise Quit when problems arise
Are steady Are moody
Are leaders Are followers
  Which category do you belong to: Character Driven or Emotion Driven?   4. PRACTICE ‘For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.’ ― Aristotle “You are what you practice most.”  ― Richard Carlson What is practice? It is the act of rehearsing behaviour over and over, or engaging in an activity again and again for the purpose of improving or mastering it. In 1976, Indiana University’s Basketball Team was undefeated throughout the regular season and captured the NCAA National Championship. When the team’s coach, Bobby Knight was interviewed on a Television show in America called 60 Minutes, the host asked him, “Why is your basketball team at Indiana always so successful? Is it the will to succeed?” “The will to succeed is important,” Knight replied, “but I’ll tell you what’s more important:  It’s the will to prepare.  It’s the will to go out there every day, training, building those muscles and sharpening those skills!” To get better at the things you do, regular practice is the key.   5. TEAM WORK No man is an island of knowledge – Common saying. ‘Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.’Michael Jordan ‘Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.’ – Henry Ford The phrase ‘team player’ has found its way into most Curricula Vitae because employers of labour are on the lookout for individuals who can work with other people. Teamwork  is the process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. It is a crucial part of a business, as there is hardly any project you can deliver without interfacing with other people. To succeed in life, you will need to work with other people. Learning the best way to work in a team is a life skill everyone must have.   I hope you enjoyed reading this article. I will like to read your view and inputs. Please share them in the comments section.   About the Writer: Olorunfemi Babatunde (BabT) is a Mechanical Engineer by training but currently works as a Business Development Officer with a leading Oil and Maritime company in Nigeria. BabT is passionate about Information and knowledge sharing. He owns an educational portal:          

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This article was first published on 13th March 2015

Comments (1)

One thought on “5 Elements of a Winning Game Plan”

  • This is actually the kind of information I have been trying to find. Thank you for writing this article.

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